Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Base Camp

I arrived back in Lafayette almost three weeks ago, marking the end of my "repose" and my readmittance into the real world. (I have been a bit reluctant to use the term "real world", after all, I wasn't living in an alternate reality or an unrealized dimension for the past three months. I was in Punta Gorda, FL in the USA; located in our current/known/observable universe)

However, I have come to accept the truth (i.e. reality) that I could not possibly maintain the style of living that I came to know while I was in Florida. Certain entities would start to take notice of my absence (my bank, insurance company, cell carrier, etc.) and my mother would almost certainly stop preparing delicious dinners and desserts, but I am convinced that my body would soon begin to revolt. From what I gather, as a human, I have been designed to work. The author of Ecclesiastes would say "toil". God said "rule"-or reign-(Genesis 1:26).

I most certainly had a wonderful time on my trip. It was relaxing, refreshing, and I was able to reconnect with Jesus in a very special way. But now that I am here, I am here. There is great value in living, as opposed to existing, in the circumstance(s) of the Lord's determining.

So, now I turn my attention towards Ball State. It seems far off, but in the coming weeks it will become more and more of a reality as the trips, meetings, and paperwork get set in motion.